March 31, 2007

Our Wedding - Ms Ollie's Reading

The Art of Traveling

When you pack your bags to explore the beauties of your own country or to travel around the world, consider these keys to a happy journey.

Travel lightly. You are not traveling for people to see you!

Travel slowly. Jet planes are for getting places not seeing places; take time to absorb beauty and inspiration of a mountain or a cathedral.

Travel expectantly. Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened. Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure.

Travel hopefully. “To travel hopefully,” wrote Robert Louis Stevenson “is better than to arrive”.

Travel humbly. Visit people and palaces with reverence and respect for their traditions and ways of life.

Travel courteously. Consideration for your fellow travelers and your hosts will smooth the way through the most difficult days.

Travel gratefully. Show appreciation for the many things that are being done by others for your enjoyment.

Travel with an open mind. Leave your prejudices at home.

Travel with curiosity. It is not how far you go, but how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience. Thoreau wrote a big book about a tiny Walden Pond.

Travel with imagination. As the old Spanish proverb put it, “He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.”

Travel fearlessly. Banish worry and timidity; the world and its people belong to you just as you belong to the world.

Travel relaxed. Make up your mind to have a good time. Let go and let God.

Travel patiently. It takes time to understand others. Especially when there are barriers of language and custom; keep flexible and adaptable to all situations.

Kim, Sam…

Travel with the spirit of world citizens. You’ll discover that people are basically much the same world round. Be ambassadors of good will to all people. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

Love and God Bless
Ollie McGillivary
31 March 2007

Our Wedding

Needless to say, we could write many paragraphs and still not convey the wonderful day we had, with all of our friends, relatives, fantastic food, a great site that allowed us to be married from canoes, on their lake and a fun Cajun band!

Also, it's so hard to go through and pick a few representative pictures out of the 1200+ that were taken, all great shots, all of you & us having fun together. So, we decided to post a few of all the best, and let the photos speak for themselves.

We personally thank everyone who came and shared our beautiful day with us!