Within minutes, something catches the corner of my eye over near the swing, and glancing I see our pet pop out, making his morning rounds.
So as I approached "Benjamin", as Kim named him (oh, I hope it's a him?) to take a few pictures, which he didn't seem to mind. And Benny (as I'll call him) struts up, looks me in the eye, and fluffs his feathers as if to declare that this is HIS territory!
Oh and late this afternoon we get back here to find our other little pets scurrying out of our way. They are a lot more wary of us than Benny though, so with late eve's light and the telephoto out at about 300, I apologize for the lack of sharpness...
PS: they are Montezuma Quail, somewhat uncommon. We count a total of six here by the house, and have jumped a larger covy down towards the casita. Oh, and that's another lifer for me!