May 25, 2014

Drive Into Washington

Drive Into WAI decided to drive from Portland over to Astoria OR and then up Hwy 101 along the Pacific coast to eventually end up at the southwest corner of Olympic N P ( this is the area where the rainforests start).  On the way out of Portland, the highway to Astoria follows the river (Columbia) and it’s many marshes along it’s route to the ocean.
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For lunch I stopped at this delightful preserve area, and was surprised at the beautiful flowers and extended marsh areas.
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After crossing into WA, I noticed some folks way out on the mud flats, and stopped to investigate.
Drive Into WA-007
Drive Into WA-006Looking down below my feet, the answer was obvious – Razor Clams!

I detoured into the small village of Tokeland following a sign pointing to the remains of a famous historic hotel.  I never found the hotel, but the drive around the old fishing village was interesting, reminded me of Maine.
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A few more miles up the road (yes, northward) at Grayland Beach State Park, I get my first stop at the Pacific Ocean! What a sight!
Drive Into WA-011
Drive Into WA-012


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